Assisting hundreds of babies earthside for 9+ years
Utah native, mother of five incredible humans, fierce feminist, avid gardener, hippie at heart, lover of Midwifery, and all things pregnancy, labor, birth, postpartum, and motherhood. Eliza believes firmly in advocating for women's reproductive rights and bodily autonomy. She believes that all women deserve the right to choose whom they receive their maternity care from and where they give birth. Birth is after all a normal, natural physiological event that unfolds beautifully and without complication 93% of the time worldwide. Eliza was born at home in Charleston West Virginia and attributes much of her passion for Midwifery and women's rights to her own birth into this world. Because of the birth stories of her own 5 children, Eliza has experienced both home and hospital births. Due to her acquaintance with the stark differences between the two, she understands first hand the empowerment a woman experiences when SHE is in charge of her labor and birth journey as well as the disempowerment that occurs more often than not when those rights are striped away.
Eliza is a Licensed Direct Midwife and Certified Professional Midwife (LDM, CPM) and has attended 300+ births to date. She earned her degree from Midwives College of Utah and graduated magna cum laude in April 2019. She trained and practiced in Salt Lake City and St. George Utah as well as in the Philippines at a local Metro Manila birthing home.
In January 2022 she and her family relocated to Klamath Falls, Oregon where Eliza is the owner/operator of Klamath Birth Center. She is so excited for this new journey and honored to serve the wonderful women in this community. She looks forward to exploring the many beautiful outdoor destinations that Oregon has to offer with her family and friends. Especially the gorgeous coast!
Klamath Birth Center

Water Birth
At home or birth center
Wherever you choose
Placenta Encapsulation
KBC offers placenta tinctures as well as encapsulation services
Education and support
We are proud to accept most insurances, including OHP. We make it easy for you. Ask us how
Home Birth
Your birth, your way,
your home
A Doula will change your entire birth experience... Ask us how at your consult
We'd love to hear from you
Phone: 541-851-9400
Fax: 541-363-5637